Bringing in a New Year – 2022

Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday season.

The last two years with COVID have been a whirlwind for everyone, including Canine Campus and it’s staff.  The start of the pandemic meant laying off all but one staff member and wondering if I could stay in business.  I was able to start bringing people back late in 2020; some retired or decided not to return to work, and business started picking up slowly.  The year 2020 ended with me no longer worried about having to close.  

Late spring of 2021 brought massive travel; we had long waiting lists for almost every weekend throughout the summer.  I had the clients, the staff, but not enough rooms available.  Then fall hit and my college and highschool staff went back to school.  Like many other service industries, I am struggling to find people to hire.  So now, I have the clients and the rooms, but not enough staff to properly care for the dogs.  I am once again worried if I can stay in business. 

Although I do not want to appear that I am complaining – because I love my business – the hiring shortage is taking a huge toll on my current staff and myself personally.  I want you to be aware of what’s going on so you can understand why I am limiting services and room availability.  

In order to keep Canine Campus open for all of you, I have been working all three shifts, seven days a week, since late September.  Recently, I have been able to get one or two shifts off a week.  My staff has taken on longer shifts and covered each other’s shifts when needed; however, I have very limited flexibility in scheduling.
I was able to open up all of our rooms over Thanksgiving and Christmas because my college and high school staff members picked up extra shifts over their breaks.  Since those breaks are ending, I have again blocked off 40% of my rooms.  Additionally, tours of the facility and taking/posting pictures of dogs & cats will continue to be suspended.   

I am hoping that this labor shortage is short-lived and I can re-open all of my rooms to my wonderful clients.  If you know of anyone looking for a fun and fulfilling job, I am definitely hiring. Morning shift seven days a week, and evening shifts on weekends and some weeknights.  15-35 hours per week desired.  Email resume to address below.  Thanks

Here’s hoping we will see a return to “normal” in 2022. 

Canine Campus 
phone 262 244-7549

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