COVID-19 update # 13 21 Mar 21

There is finally relief, in the form of vaccines, in sight and everyone is getting spring fever to get out of the house and on the road for a well deserved vacation after a year of quarantining.  We are seeing this here at Canine Campus.  We are fully booked for Spring Break and unfortunately have had to waitlist many boarding requests. I am also in the process of hiring staff to get us ready for “normal” business.

I am going to relax the restrictions on bedding effectively immediately, but all the other COVID restrictions we’ve had in place will continue for the foreseeable future.  They are summed up at the end of this email, are listed on our website homepage, and included in all booking reservation emails.
Regarding bedding:  you will be allowed to bring ONE piece of bedding per pet.  That means one reasonably sized bed OR one blanket.  We will still provide crates as requested.  If you want to bring something else, please call or email us in advance so we can consider on a case-by-case basis.  We still can provide our own bedding if you do not want to bring your own.
Items not pre-authorized will be turned away at the door.  his includes bulky containers of any kind.  Please bring your individually packaged meals and toys in a cloth or plastic bag that can be folded up and placed on a shelf.  We do not have the storage capacity for large/bulky items and now that we are getting busy again, we have to enforce this.
Thank you for understanding




  • Social distancing and enhanced cleaning/disinfecting procedures
  • Masks required of all employees
  • Masks requested of all clients
  • Gated entry system for dogs & cats (disinfected each shift)
  • No crates/bulky items allowed (we will provide here when requested). Cat carriers will still stay here with cats.
  • One reasonably sized bed OR blanket allowed per pet.
  • Two toys allowed per dog
  • Electronic payment required shift prior to check out (no checks or cash, no credit card processed on site)
  • Vaccination documents required prior to drop off (via portal upload, email or snail mail if time allows) Will not take hard copies at door.
  • Tours done virtually over the phone
  • Lobby hours 7-8am and 5-6pm (no sun am hours).

Some of the things that haven’t changed:

  • Individually bag food per meal (dry). NO BULK CONTAINERS
  • Bring treats- 2/day (they don’t have to be bagged individually)
  • No bowls (unless a specialty feeder)
  • Collars/leashes or carriers required. No loose pets
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