COVID 19 update #2

20 Mar 20

Please read entire email to see new changes to our operations, specifically:

  • Lobby hours
  • Concierges service
  • Daycare availability
  • New Clients
  • Staying open for business


Lobby hours:

Morning lobby hours will now be restricted to 7-8am vs our current 7-9am Monday through Saturday.  This is effective starting Monday 23 March.  If you will encounter significant hardship (not inconvenience) in making this change work for your boarding or daycare, please call us so we can discuss options on a case by case basis.

Evening hours will remain the same at 5-6pm Monday through Sunday.


Concierge services:

We have already been doing this for our daycare dogs, but would like to do this for as many clients as possible.  The more folks we can limit coming into the lobby, the more we are doing our part to meet the social distance policies that have been put forth.

We will send an employee out to your car to get your dog and do as much of check in as possible outside.   If we need information that we can’t do outside, we will ask you to step in to finish the process.

Same goes for check out…we will send someone out to your vehicle to process checkout and then bring you your dog and his gear.  We ask everyone to take advantage of the on line credit card option on our secure client portal for payments.  If we don’t need to bring you inside to pay, particularly after traveling, we don’t want to.  Again, this is to abide by the social distancing policy.  Your card will not be charged until you check out and account is in order.



Since vacations have nearly disappeared and we have next to no boarding dogs at the kennel, I am opening up daycare on Saturdays and Sundays.  Sunday drop off is 8:15-8:30am, no exceptions.  If you are interested in weekend daycare, please book via the portal or call for reservation.  As long as we have rooms available, we will take on daycare dogs.  This is effective immediately.

Lobby will not be open Sunday mornings for pick ups or drop offs for boarding dogs, only daycare.


New Clients:

We will be suspending tours for new clients unless there is an urgent need to board your dog. If you fall into this category, please call the office to discuss on a case by case basis.


Staying open for Business:

I am doing my very best to keep Canine Campus open for business during this unprecedented time, but as you can imagine, we have experienced a significant loss of business during this pandemic.

I have not had to lay employees off yet, but all have taken cuts in their working hours.

I am scheduling minor maintenance and repair work, which can be done in-house, during this period to attempt to make up some of the hours they have lost.

I am helping HAWS (Humane Animal Welfare Society) of Waukesha by taking seven of their long term “foster” dogs while they are experiencing similar staffing and closing issues.  These dogs have all been medically cleared, vaccinated and are being kept separate from regular client dogs.

I will continue to update everyone on other changes I need to make in order to keep our doors open.  Please bear with us and thank you for your understanding.


Mary Helinski

Owner, Canine Campus



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