I wanted to let everyone know that one of our regular daycare clients advised me late this afternoon that he was showing symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19.
With the protocols we have in place, the risk to myself and staff is low, however, I am having everyone that works here tested as soon as possible and hopefully we will have results by the end of the week. I will let everyone know the results as soon as I have them.
We are still open for business, but several of my staff are quarantining at home until results are in. There will only be a couple of us working. If you want to cancel your reservations until results are in, please do so. There will be no cancellation fees applied.
I am requiring masks for all staff in addition to all the disinfecting and social distancing requirements that have been in place since the stay at home order was initiated. I highly recommend clients wear them when they drop off and pick up as well.