COVID UPDATE #8 17 Jul 20

So far, myself and one other staff member have received negative COVID-19 results.  We are still waiting on results for the rest of the staff, but this is good news, as we were two of the three who had the most contact with our client.

In addition to making masks mandatory for my staff, I have also set up a new drop off/pick up procedure, which has been in place the last two days.  This will make a nearly contactless transfer of pets and their food/belongings.  There is a double gate entry system, where you will send your dog(s) through the first gate and then we will take them from the gate at the other end of the enclosure.  There is a table where you will place the food/belongings and cat carriers, and then a 6ft marker tape on the concrete, to step back to while we go through the items and make sure we have everything needed for the boarding/daycare stay.  At pick up, the procedure will be reversed.

For payment, we would really like everyone to load a credit card onto your client portal, and/or make sure the one already loaded is current.  This is a secure website hosted by the credit card company, and all we see is the last four digits of the card.  We will charge your card shortly before you pick up your dog, so please do not pay in advance (if you change the reservation after paying, we will have to redo the charges).  If you do not want your card to stay on the portal after your boarding, let us know and we will delete it once the charge clears.

Please also make sure all vaccination records are sent to us BEFORE you drop off.  We will not always have time to review and log these at drop off.  You can upload them yourself on the portal or have your vet email them to us directly.

Thank you again for your understanding.  The safety of my staff and clients during this COVID pandemic is my utmost priority.  I cannot keep the business open if I cannot keep everyone safe.


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