The new Cattery is complete

This post is a little late, but our cattery project was completed on time and the grand opening was on 7 March.  The cats now have a separate area to play in apart from their living quarters and so far, our boarding cats seem quite happy with the new arrangement.  The exercise area features many obstacles to climb up, walk around and lay on.  There are three cubes to curl up in, a vast maze of walkways to jump on and off and walk over, a four level sunning deck in front of the window, and some tunnels to run through.  And, of course, lots of toys.  Please look through some of our pictures during construction as well as the cats enjoying the final product.

The cattery has a self contained HVAC system separate from the rest of the facility.  The exercise room is cleaned daily, and the litter box cleaned each time we rotate cats.

And just a reminder, we will be supplying the litter from now on, so you no longer need to bring that with you.  We will also ask you to leave your cat carriers with us while you are away, just in case of emergencies.

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