Medical Policy

Canine Campus Medical Policy

No animal will be accepted for boarding, day care or other services if it appears to have a contagious disease or is unhealthy to the point we cannot adequately provide care within our resources.  We also will not accept females in heat or expected to go into heat during their stay.

Canine Campus can provide minimal medical care, such as giving pills, subcutaneous injections, light wound care, ear cleaning, etc.  Care required beyond these basic maintenance needs will not be provided.  Canine Campus will not administer any prescription medications that have not been prescribed by client’s veterinarian to that specific pet.

If your pet has a history of anxiety or diarrhea during boarding stays, please talk to your vet about getting some anxiety and/or anti-diarrhea medication in advance of the stay.  We will only give it if needed, but if it isn’t provided, we can’t do much to help your pet since these are prescription medications.

Should any pet become ill or need medical attention while in our facility, we reserve the right to administer aid and to seek care by your local designated veterinarian, if available, or by Wisconsin Veterinary Referral Services (WVRC), located in Waukesha. Any and all expenses incurred shall be paid promptly by the owner.


  • Dogs are required by state law to have current rabies vaccinations.  This is required for any service offered by Canine Campus.  
  • Dogs must have been inoculated at least once after the age of 1 year with the distemper combination vaccine.  Canine Campus will accept subsequent vaccinations or titers.  
  • Canine Bordatella (Kennel Cough) vaccination is highly encouraged, but Canine Campus has a waiver form you can sign if this is a vaccination you do not want to give.
  • Cats should have a current rabies vaccination.
  • Cats require a current feline leukemia vaccination or a negative test result.


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