Owner Biography – Mary Helinski


I retired as a Commander in 2005 after 21 years active duty in the US Navy as a Civil Engineer Corps Officer. I have lead military, civilian (US and foreign) and contract personnel in nearly all aspects of shore based facility management. This included Public Works functions (utilities, transportation, maintenance, planning/design, services, etc), construction, project management, environmental, and budgeting, as well as administering numerous multi-million dollar contracts under the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR).

Since retiring, I have been consistently working with dogs. As a volunteer with Golden Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin (GRRoW), I have conducted over 200 temperament testing on dogs, fostered 47 dogs (most with behavioral and/or medical issues) in my home, developed new procedures and electronic business tools, streamlined organization processes and staffing, trained countless other volunteers and provided training and behavioral consultations.

I have been active in K9 Search and Rescue (SAR) work since 2007. I have trained, certified, and deployed one dog Buddy during this time period. He is now retired and Hunter is my current certified dog. I have been a lead trainer for a dozen other SAR personnel.

I served as President of North American Search Dog Network (NASDN) for 4 years, a nationally recognized certifying and training agency. I  lead the organization into upgrading our processes to meet current industry standards, developing business tools and data management, and instructing and certifying dogs for our volunteers.

  • I was a K9 Trainer at Washington County Humane Society, teaching basic obedience and scent classes for four years.
  • I completed one year of Veterinary technician school and worked at an emergency clinic during my coursework.


  • BS(Ocean Engineering) 1984 US Naval Academy
  • MS (Civil Engineering) 1994 University of Maryland
  • MA (National Strategy and Policy) 1999 US Naval War College
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