
I have requested and obtained some additional clarification on Health Order #12 regarding classification as an essential business.  This is what I received back:

Daycares for animals are considered a substantial support for those workers who work at Essential Businesses and Operations, especially those first responders working long hours with no one else to care for their animal. Please limit your operations as you can per the general guidance for all businesses. 

With that additional information, I will reopen Canine Campus starting Monday 30 March at 7am.   This will include day care as well as boarding.  I will leave it up to my clients to determine if their requests fall into the support for workers at essential businesses and operations and general intent of the order.   

Because travel is still severely restricted, I do not anticipate a large number of boarding requests, which is our primary business.  Daycare is only a small percentage of our business volume.  So, I will be operating with a bare bones staff until our boarding business is able to resume, and I can bring more folks back into work.

What that means:

  • AM Drop off/Pick up hours:  7-8am   Mon-Sat*
    • *Sun am drop off for daycare only at 8am sharp
  • PM Drop off/Pick up hours:  5-6pm   Mon-Sun
  • Lobby will be closed and we will meet people outside for check-in/out.  There is a buzzer on the outside door to call if we do not see you arrive.
  • Daycare will be offered 7 days a week
  • Back half of our facility (Fiesta area) and Pee Wee Palace will be closed and dogs will be housed in Siesta area only.

Please review your reservations on your secure client portal to make sure the dates are correct.  We have not cancelled many requests, but if one is showing that way, call us so we can reactivate it.  Please call or email if you have any questions…we want to make sure we have rooms ready in advance as we will not be as flexible with a small staff.

One other thing we are doing:
We will offer “virtual gift cards” at a discounted rate.  What that means is if you put money towards your accounts credit, you will receive a 10-20% discount towards future services.

The following can be purchased:

  • $50 gift card (will cost you $45)
  • $100 gift card (will cost you $87)
  • $200 gift card (will cost you $170)
  • $500 gift card (will cost you $400)

These can be used in conjunction with daycare vouchers, giving you a double discount.

If you are interested in purchasing any, please contact us via email with the denomination you want.  It would be extremely helpful to process these if you set up your on-line payment on our client portal.

Lastly, I want to thank all of our clients for the tremendous support you have been giving us during this unusual time. Several of you have literally brought me to tears with your generosity.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and support.  I hope I can continue to help you through this challenging time.


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