COVID-19 update #14

As more and more people get vaccinated, mandatory restrictions are starting to loosen up in various places.  However, it is always up to the business owner to set their own policies.  I am following CDC guidelines, but also need to keep my employees and business safe.  With Wisconsin not even at 50% vaccination rate, and the new Delta strain now here, I will not be lifting our contactless entry/departure/payment policy anytime in the near future.  I would greatly appreciate your continued cooperation on this.  My staff does not make this policy, so please do not debate this with them as they are following my guidelines. 


In addition to COVID issues, just like many other businesses, we are now struggling with staffing.  I have hired multiple new staff members in the last two months and have been busy getting them trained.  However, we’ve had quite an increase in business which is making this challenging.  We are getting there, but still have a ways to go.  Please bear with us as we get these new folks up to the same qualifications/standards as our existing staff.


With so many people traveling, we have been overbooked the last four weekends, and that trend continues.  We have had to put folks on the waitlist and turn them away because we are out of room.  PLEASE book your reservations as far in advance as possible so we can get you in.  If you have flexibility on the dates you want to travel, please let us know so we can work with you to find a spot.  If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible so we can get another customer into your spot.  


If you haven’t been here in a while, and have questions on what you can and can’t bring or how to pack things, please review the slideshow on our website on the bottom of the “new client” page.


I will be releasing an email shortly which will outline the start of guided site visits for the 250+ new clients who have joined us since the pandemic started and have not been able to see our facility in person.  It’s going to take a while to get through this backlog. 


Thanks for supporting us as we work through the new challenges ahead of us. 



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